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 Post subject: Nigeria reagerer kraftig mot norsk barnevern
PostPosted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 9:25 am 
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Nigeria reagerer kraftig mot norsk barnevern

som vil tvangs-utsende en nigeriansk mor mens hennes barn fortsatt skal holdes i fosterhjem i Norge. Som reaksjon nekter Nigeria å utstede reisedokumenter til kriminelle nigerianere i Norge som Norge vil tvangssende tilbake.

Stopp i tvangsretur av kriminelle nigerianere
Aftenposten, 27.11.2013

Får ikke sendt ut kriminelle ID-løse
VG, 27.11.2013

VG-artikkelen er gansker opplysende.

Bravo, Nigeria! En kraftig reaksjon mot Norges ødeleggelser av biologiske bånd er helt på sin plass. Moren sies å være eller ha vært prostituert, og det kaller naturligvis frem norsk fordømmelse. Som om prostituerte ikke elsker sine barn.

Én ting er misvisende i VGs artikkel: En arbeiderparti-politiker Elvis Chigozie Nwosu, som har sittet i regjeringens barnevernspanel, uttaler at det er "langt flere omsorgsovertakelser i Norge enn i Sverige". Det skyldes nok ulike måter å registrere på, det er ikke reelt.


 Post subject: Re: Nigeria reagerer kraftig mot norsk barnevern
PostPosted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 7:21 pm 
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- Barnevernet plasserer barna i et hvitt middelklassehjem. Moren blir sendt tilbake, mens Norge tar barnet hennes. Det synes jeg ligner menneskehandel satt i system, sier Nwosu.

Hva skal vi kalle det når tilsvarende skjer norske barn?

Det er ikke første gangen kulturelle forskjeller skaper problemer når det gjelder barnevernssaker. Så sent som i fjor skapte et tvangsvedtak i Stavanger diplomatisk krøll mellom Norge og India. Også Polen, Tyrkia og Russland har reagert på praksisen til det norske barnevernet. VG kjenner også til at dette flere saker hvor nigerianske mødre er involvert.

Arbeiderparti-politiker Elvis Chigozie Nwosu har forsøkt å hjelpe den nigerianske moren og flere andre i samme situasjon.

- Mange av dem har trøbbel med barnevernet. De har liten utdannelse, kan lite norsk og visste ingenting om hvordan vi som velferdssamfunn reagerer ved mistanke om omsorgssvikt. Hva som regnes som barnets beste kan være forskjellig fra deres kultur, forteller Nwosu.

Den norske såkalte barnevernet er ikke forankret i norsk kultur, men i moralisme og annet innpakket i moteidéer. Folk flest aner ikke at vi har hatt mange år med ekstrem økning i barnevernsgalskap. Ikke kjenner de alle mulige underlige begrunnelser heller.

Jeg liker heller ikke begrepet velferdssamfunn i denne sammenhangen. Det er den såkalte velferdsSTATEN - makten - som står for dette, eller som driver det frem og stiller politi til rådighet for overgrepene. Ikke samfunnet som bør bety mer sivile holdninger og prosesser.

Her er en annen Nigeria-sak hvor norsk såkalt barnevern skapte avisoverskrifter i Nigeria:

"Vårt" lysebrune-mørkerøde såkalte barnevern stjeler mennesker
> Radikalt forum mot familiedestruksjon:<

 Post subject: Re: Nigeria reagerer kraftig mot norsk barnevern
PostPosted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 10:08 am 

Joined: Tue Dec 04, 2012 9:29 am
Posts: 6
Is there a roundup of this case in English? Am I correct in understanding (I read with google translator) that the Nigerian diplomats refused to issue travel documents to a mother without her baby, which has been taken into "care"?

If so, then I believe there was a similar case involving a Russian immigrant family, who was to be deported minus the mother's little boy, who was in foster care, and Russian diplomat Barkov refused to issue travel documents for an incomplete family. Unfortunately, I cannot google out this Russian case in the Norwegian media now, but I definitely remember I've read about it in a Norwegian newspaper (I use google translator for such reading). The story has also been making round of Russian social networks, of course.

Also, a similar case in Sweden (mom to be deported, the child -- to remain in foster care): (what is noteworthy about this article is that the reporter apparently did not seem it necessary to interview the birth mother).

And on top of it all, an American mom was deported to the US while her child is being farmed out for adoption (a roundup here ... arent.html, one can also google Melissa Laird).

 Post subject: Re: Nigeria reagerer kraftig mot norsk barnevern
PostPosted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 11:06 am 
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No, the newspaper articles do not say that they refuse to issue travel documents to the mother without her child, but rather that the embassy refuses to issue travel documents to Nigerians who are to be sent back because they have been convicted of crimes in Norway but who have nothing to prove their identity. (Nigerians make up a sizeable proportion of criminals in Norway; some of they have proofs of identity, some not. Those who have, are issued with travel documents as usual.) This refusal, then, as a reaction against Norway's high-handed treatment of the mother-child relationship in the case mentioned. There has also been some kind of denial from embassy circles, saying the cases have nothing to do with each other, and so forth.

Yes, there have been other cases regarding foreigners, including a Russian one the way you mention. Re some of these, there are articles in Redd Våre Barn's Section for English Speakers, but unfortunately we who try to bring out information about the CPS in Norway are just private individuals; there is no organization with money and resources which could bring out translations in number. What we manage to do/write, we do in our "spare time". I am trying to find time myself to write something a propos of the two Nigerian cases in this section Internasjonale konflikter …, but I cannot say when it will be finished and maybe it will not be precisely what you want. It will be published in the Section for English speakers.



 Post subject: Re: Nigeria reagerer kraftig mot norsk barnevern
PostPosted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 11:54 am 

Joined: Tue Dec 04, 2012 9:29 am
Posts: 6
Oh, the perils of machine translation...:))) And yes, I know that the opposition to punitive child protection does not have a lavish financial backing (unlike the System), and I admire the work you (i mean the plural "you", as well as you, Professor Skanland, in particular) are doing.

 Post subject: Re: Nigeria reagerer kraftig mot norsk barnevern
PostPosted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 12:07 pm 
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Thank you for your encouraging words. It is good to know that there are people who try to make use of information about these cases.

I forgot to say that in the Nigerian case, Norway is indeed trying to separate mother and child. The want to send the mother out forcibly. She came here some years ago, as a prostitute, and has apparently since been in some kind of rehabilitation scheme. Now Norway wants to be rid of her. She has a residence permit in Italy, and is willing to go there, but Norway will not let go of the child, who is in an ethnic Norwegian foster-home. Of course, it is always taken for granted that Norway is the best place for any child - children should be "rescued" from all the "nasty" places everywhere else and from all the "nasty" people who do not agree that the CPS does a wonderful job of giving as many children as possible "new parents". - A Nigerian mother who has lived from prostitution is of course in Norwegian eyes utterly despicable and her feelings for her child unworthy - she is seen as a selfish idiot who is just preventing the child from attaching itself to the foster parents. Very "nasty" !!



 Post subject: Re: Nigeria reagerer kraftig mot norsk barnevern
PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 9:19 am 

Joined: Tue Dec 04, 2012 9:29 am
Posts: 6
Thank you for your explanation.

It has come to my attention that a hearing concerning punitive child protection is scheduled at the European Parliament for March 19, 2014. One of its organizers is Latvian MP Tatjana ŽDANOKA ... 73C6.node1

I've read than anonymous petitions are accepted too, the deadline for the petitions is Christmas. Unfortunately, I don't have an English language link about the upcoming event, but I believe that if anyone interested writes to Zdanoka, (s)he will get the info. Here is an info in Russian: ... 414997821/ (I've been following this parents group for a while and pretty sure that the info is solid).

I know that Norway is not in the EU but I believe participants of this board may find it worthwhile to spread the word among other activists in Nordic countries which are in the EU.

 Post subject: Re: Nigeria reagerer kraftig mot norsk barnevern
PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 10:07 am 
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Very important. Thank you. I shall tell a couple of contacts I have in Sweden and Denmark. I wish we were more people who could spread info and organize. I feel I am almost drowning at the moment, in things that need to be done, big and small, important and trivial, private and otherwise.

I shall also try to compose a mail to Zdanoka with a couple of links, to a UN report and to today's posting here by jtlbrntldmt. If it turns out that Zdanoka is not comfortable with English, I may get back to you and ask you kindly to get in touch with her for me.



 Post subject: Re: Nigeria reagerer kraftig mot norsk barnevern
PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 7:22 pm 

Joined: Tue Dec 04, 2012 9:29 am
Posts: 6
Oh yes, please do, I'll be happy to help, although I know that Zdanoka knows English and has English-speaking assistants.

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