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 Post subject: Lithuania/Norway: Girl taken out from foster care by mother
PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 6:02 pm 
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21 January 2015

Lithuania / Norway: Girl fetched out from foster care by her mother

A Lithuanian girl, 9 years old, who has been / is placed in a foster home in Stjørdal (in the district of Trøndelag not far from Trondheim), disappeared yesterday 20 January. The police believe she has been fetched by her mother, and this seems to be so. Norwegian authorities believe the mother will try to get her daughter out of the country and back to Lithuania.

Norwegian authorities of course call it 'kidnapping', and the police have mounted an intensive search, including alarming the borders, the crime force and Interpol. They also ask the Norwegian public to be detectives and tip off the police.

So far no articles about this case seem to have appeared in English. There are half a dozen in Norwegian, mostly from the Trondheim area.

Mor etterlyst internasjonalt (Wanted notice internationally for a mother)
nrk Trøndelag, 21 January 2015

Har varslet Kripos om at jente (9) er savnet
Mor og datter er nå etterlyst både nasjonalt og internasjonalt (Wanted notice and search for mother and daughter both nationwide and internationally)
Trønder-Avisa, 21 January 2015

Moren observert på skolen (Mother observed at school)
Politiet frykter ni år gammel jente i Stjørdal er bortført av sin biologiske mor. (The police fear that a nine-year-old girl in Stjørdal has been abducted by her biological mother.)
Adresseavisen, 21 January 2015

Niåring forsvunnet i Stjørdal: Politiet frykter mor står bak bortføring (A nine-year-old disappeared in Stjørdal: The police are afraid the mother is behind abduction)
* Alle landets politidistrikter er varslet (All police districts alerted)
* Kripos bistår
(The Crime force is assisting)
VG, 21 January 2015

Niåring fryktes bortført av mor i Stjørdal (It is feared that a nine-year-old has been abducted by mother in Stjørdal)
En kvinne med litauisk opprinnelse er etterlyst internasjonalt, mistenkt for å ha bortført sin ni år gamle datter fra Stjørdal tirsdag. (International wanted notice for a woman of Lithuanian origin, who is suspected of having abducted her nine-year-old daughter from Stjørdal on Tuesday. )
Levangeravisa, 21 January 2015

Politiet frykter at jente (9) er bortført: – Moren har vært på skolen (The police fear that a girl (9) has been abducted – The mother has been to the school)
– Vi ønsker at publikum skal ha lav terskel for å tipse oss (We want people to have a low threshold for tipping us off)
abc nyheter, 21 January 2015



 Post subject: Re: Lithuania/Norway: Girl taken from CPS care by mother
PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 10:39 am 
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Norway talks milk and honey in Lithuania about our child protection *

Here is Norwegian ambassador Leif Arne Ulland in Lithuania who is full of milk and honey about the Norwegian practice of "child protection". It is certainly reminiscent of what the Norwegian embassy in Prague gives out as "information".

Norway's Ambassador Ulland: Child welfare is top consideration for Norwegian institutions, regardless of citizenship
Delfi, The Lithuania Tribune, 17 August 2014

It all reminds me of other kinds of people who find themselves in a dependent position, a position in which they cannot express their own thinking, cannot protest - - it strikes me that it must be very dull and very unpleasant, really, to be a diplomat if you are anything like an upright person doing your own thinking.

"The Norwegian Child Welfare Act applies to all children in Norway, regardless of citizenship. The basic principle of the act is that the best interest of the child shall be the primary consideration and every year 10 thousands of cases are handled successfully," says Ambassador Ulland.

Really? Ten thousand cases, or even tens of thousands, handled successfully?

1) If the bad eggs are so few and the successes so many, why not then put the wrongly handled cases right with speed and care?

2) Who are the judges of "success" in child protection cases? The destroyed families? Foster children fleeing repeatedly, trying to get home to their parents? The hidebound Norwegian child protection agency? The naïve Norwegian authorities, blind with an ideology nurtured by consistent lies? The silent, state-subservient Norwegian press?

* From 8 January 2015


 Post subject: Re: Lithuania/Norway: Girl taken from CPS care by mother
PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 10:58 am 
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22 January 2015

What's coming now?

Here is what will quite likely happen:

• If mother and daughter are caught by the police, the child will be taken back to the foster home (no matter what she wants or says) – or to another foster home at a secret address – and the mother will face a criminal court case and imprisonment. Plenty of cases here, in the section "Temaer" (themes / topics) at BarnasRett (The children's Right):

Barn og familier på flukt fra barnevernet (Children and families fleeing from the child protection services)
Barn og foreldre som blir straffet for opprør mot barnevernet (Children and parents who are punished for revolt against the child protection services)

Unfortunately these articles are all articles in Norwegian. Still, the files give an idea of the profusion of articles and I also post the links for the benefit of readers who can read Scandinavian.

• If mother and daughter reach Lithuania, then Norway may do something comparable to what they did in a Polish case i 2011: They spent large sums to go to Poland and demand a court case there, in which they tried to have the child handed over to them and extradited back to Norway!
Judgment in Poland: a nine-year-old girl NOT to be extradited to Norway

The CPS later appeared on Norwegian tv, talking as if they were martyrs for children.
Their arguments and actions can be seen from the article. I repeat my conclusion:

"This leads once again to the everlasting question: What does the conduct of Norway and our CPS in this case indicate about all the other cases handled or created by the CPS – I mean, when they have the time and resources, and give top priority to, taking this girl away from her parents, and then send people to Poland to bring action before a Polish court to have her perforce returned to Norway, completely against her wishes?"

In such CPS cases, involving other nations and the families being fortunate enough to get publicity and understanding in their own country, Norwegian embassies send out "calming" statements aimed at making the population in the country concerned believe the same as the Norwegian population at home are convinced of. Here are a few:

Norwegian embassies abroad and Norwegian child protection



 Post subject: Re: Lithuania/Norway: Girl taken from CPS care by mother
PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 2:00 pm 
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Another website has a posting with the same information from 21 January:

Etterlyser mor etter mulig bortføring (Wanted notice for mother after possible abduction), 21 January 2015

Some news, of which at least the first item is dated today 22 January:
Mother and daughter have not been found by the police so far:

Leter fortsatt etter mor og datter (Still searching for mother and daughter)
Politiet i Nord-Trøndelag mener antakelsen om at det er moren som hentet med seg den ni år gamle jenta fra Lånke skole i Stjørdalen onsdag ettermiddag er styrket. (The police in Nord-Trøndelag (the county of Northern Trøndelag) believe the presumption of the mother having fetched the 9-year-old girl from Lånke school in Stjørdalen on Wednesday afternoon to be strengthened.)
abc nyheter, 22 January 2015

Fortsatt ingen spor etter niåring (Still no trace of 9-year-old)
Politiet har fortsatt ingen spor etter den ni år gamle jenta som de tror er kidnappet av sin egen mor i Stjørdal i Nord-Trøndelag. Det forteller politiet til P4 Nyhetene nå i morgentimene. (The police have still no leads for the 9-year-old girl whom they believe to have been kidnapped by her own mother in Stjørdal in Nord-Trøndelag (the country of Northern Trøndelag). This is what the police have informed P4 News of now in the early hours.)
P4 Radio Hele Norge, 21 January 2015



 Post subject: Re: Lithuania/Norway: Girl taken from CPS care by mother
PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 12:22 am 
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An article about the case in English (perhaps some sort of automatic translation has been used, or else some helpless dictionary use and a lack of grammatical proficiency are evident, but the article is absolutely understandable):

Mother clamoring internationally for the abduction of her daughter
Norway Today, 21 January 2015

23 January: The papers are silent, as far as I can see.



 Post subject: Re: Lithuania/Norway: Girl taken from CPS care by mother
PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 8:02 am 
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27 January 2015

The Lithuanian girl has not been "found" by our authorities.

Almost as a comment to this case, another case turned up.

Here is what the police and others who aid the authorities are doing in another "Lithuanian case", one which arose only yesterday: They immediately use unlimited resources searching for a 7 years old boy who may have escaped and they alert the border posts. All the while they talk about the boy "possibly having been abducted against his will". Talk of being in denial about the possibility that it may have been with his full consent - he probably loves his parents! Ah, but Norwegians whose thinking has been ship-shaped by CPS-circles do not know that parents love their children and will do almost anything to save them from being orphaned by the CPS, and that children love their parents and are scared and lonely when they cannot "run home to mom", and long day and night to be with them - their own parents:

Lithuanian boy? – unclear news reports
Forum RVB, 26 January 2015


 Post subject: Re: Lithuania/Norway: Girl taken from CPS care by mother
PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 12:55 pm 
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Hoi!    The girl and her mother have reached home!

- Mor og datter befinner seg i Litauen (Mother and daughter are in Lithuania)
Adresseavisen, 26 January 2015

"Mannen som varslet politiet er ikke jentas biologiske far. Han har sagt til politiet at moren ikke klarte å leve uten datteren sin. Begge skal ifølge mannen ha det bra." (The man who informed the police is not the girl's biological father. He has said to the police that the mother was not able to live without her daughter. Both are, according to the man, fine.")


(I could do with a full time secretary to find articles more quickly.)



 Post subject: Re: Lithuania/Norway: Girl taken out from foster care by mot
PostPosted: Mon May 25, 2015 2:02 pm 
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Demonstrations against Norwegian child protection in many cities on 30 May 2015.
The child protection system will also be a theme in the European Union on 2 June

Europeiske demonstrasjoner mot det norske barnevernet (European demonstrations against the Norwegian child protection agency)
Nettavisen, 24 May 2015

Demonstrations in Norway are planned in

In Oslo the demonstration will take place from 11 am until 3 pm, at Eidsvolls Plass outside Stortinget (Parliament).

Abroad there are demonstrations planned in




Whoever can keep an eye open for possible articles in foreign newspapers, should certainly do so! Link to them on your dear facebook, by all means, but preferably not only on facebook.



 Post subject: Re: Lithuania/Norway: Girl taken out from foster care by mot
PostPosted: Wed May 27, 2015 11:44 am 
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Some more of relevance to the demonstration on Saturday:

Possibly, a Czech politician who has worked especially against Norwegian child protection abuse will come to Oslo on Saturday and be present at the demonstration here,

He is a Czech member of the EU parliament. His name is
Tomáš Zdechovský
There is quite a lot about his contribution in "the Czech thread" here on Forum Redd Våre Barn.

A new article by Jan Simonsen is expected, probably tomorrow Thursday. Presumably it will be in Norwegian, though, and it is doubtful whether there is much time for anyone to translate it. Nevertheless I will link to it here.
   Jan Simonsen visits the Czech Republic quite often, has many friends and connections there, and has contributed valuably there to disseminate information about Norwegian child protection. His work, too, is referred to here, in "the Czech thread".



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