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 Post subject: Norwegian embassies abroad and Norwegian child protection
PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 12:55 pm 
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Norwegian embassies abroad and Norwegian child protection

It is beginning to mount up: Norwegian embassies issue soft soap to calm down foreign outrage about our crazy child "protection" business. Here we have something about a few embassies. More will no doubt be added!

in Lithuania:
Norway talks milk and honey in Lithuania about our child protection, 8 January 2015

in The Czech Republic:
Statement on the case of two Czech children placed in foster care in Norway
The Royal Norwegian Embassy in the Czech Republic, 13 November 2014
in the thread Czech family seriously damaged by Norwegian child protection service (CPS)

in Russia:
A couple of weeks ago Norwegian tv showed an interview with a representative of the Norwegian embassy in Russia, in connection with the Russian children's ombudsman's criticism of Norway. This embassy-spokesman said that Norway had "explained" to the Russians how Norwegian child protection functioned, but that the Russians apparently "had not taken it in properly"! - As if Norway is the adult teaching self-evident sense to children, while the children continue to protest foolishly?
11 December 2014
in the thread Czech family seriously damaged by Norwegian child protection service (CPS)

in USA:
Norwegian envoy to U.S. refutes insinuation by Hindu organisation, 2 March 2012
This group of Hindus of Indian origin, calling the bluff of the Norwegian ambassador in the US, were really eminent - did exactly the right thing!



 Post subject: Re: Norwegian embassies abroad and Norwegian child protectio
PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 10:55 pm 
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On 7 October 2012, abc nyheter had an article about a demonstration outside the Norwegian embassy in Colombo on Sri Lanka. One of the complaints of the demonstrators was that Tamil children in Norway are denied the right to speak their mother tongue:

– Demonstrasjon utenfor den norske ambassaden på Sri Lanka (Demonstration outside the Norwegian embassy on Sri Lanka)
En gruppe srilankere hevder norske myndigheter har fratatt tamilske foreldre barna med makt, uten gyldig grunn. UD kjenner til saken. (A group of Sri Lankans claim that Norwegian authorities have taken the children away from their Tamil parents forcibly, without legitimate reason. The Foreign Ministry knows the case.)
abc nyheter, 7 October 2012

The embassy on Sri Lanka denies this and other complaints – of course – and comes up with one of the usual statements:
"I en redegjørelse forklarer de inngående hvordan det norske barnevernet fungerer.
    – Barnevernsloven er klar på at barnevernet har et ansvar for å gripe inn dersom barnet er utsatt for omsorgsvikt, skriver ambassaden.
    Ambassaden tilbakeviser også en rekke av anklagene fra demonstrantene, blant annet at barna ikke får snakke morsmålet sitt."

(In a statement they explain carefully how Norwegian child protection functions.
    – The statute relating to child protection is clear regarding the responsibility of the CPS to act if the child is subject to care failure, the embassy writes.
    The embassy also denies a number of allegations from the demonstrators, e.g. that the children are not allowed to speak their mother tongue.)

Mr Oddbjørn Hauge was the spokesman of the Ministry then too (cf what he said about Russian allegations). In relation to Sri Lanka he said:
"Barne-, likestillings- og inkluderingsdepartementet har også vært i diaolog med ambassaden.
    – Vi er kjent med at det har vært reaksjoner i det tamilske miljøet mot norsk barnevern. På fredag hadde embetsverket i departementet et møte med en representant fra ambassaden. Det ble gitt litt generell informasjon om norsk barnevern, hvordan saker behandles og foreldrenes rettssikkerhet, sier ekspedisjonssjef Oddbjørn Hauge til ABC Nyheter."

(The Ministry of children, equality and inclusion has been in a dialogue with the embassy [Presumably Sri Lanka's embassy in Norway?].
    – We are aware that there have been reactions in Tamil circles against Norwegian child protection. On Friday the Civil Service in the Ministry had a meeting with a representative from the embassy. They were given some general information about Norwegian child protection, about how cases are handled and about the legal safeguards for the parents, says the Director General of the section of the Ministry concerned, Oddbjørn Hauge, to ABC News.)



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