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 Post subject: Re: Czech family seriously damaged by Norwegian CPS
PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 9:09 am 
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I have received a summary in English of the tv interview from 21 January which I linked to above, on 24 January at 11:55 am, about Eva Michaláková's case with a member of the Czech parliament, Jitka Chalánková:

Chalánková: Ideální postup? Ať vláda podá žalobu na Norsko
DV tv, Aktuálně.cz, 21 January 2015

Mrs. Chalánková has just returned from Norway, where she accompanied Mrs. Michaláková in her last meeting with CPS. She did not like attitude of the CPS, stating that many of their questions [her own and Mrs Michaláková's] stayed unanswered.

She’s been helping Mrs. Michaláková in various ways for about one year; interestingly, she still does not have access to the dossier. She was asked repeatedly if she’s sure that there was no abuse in the family, and refused to say yes, stating she’s acting on presumption of innocence + the fact that (criminal) court has cleared them
[no charge was brought before a court].

She has worked with Czech CPS (OSPOD) and they are prepared to assist the long-separated family if they return to the Czech Republic. In case Mrs. Michaláková is deemed unfit to parent also by Czech authorities, they are prepared for the alternatives, which would mean that some member of wider family will care of the children and get custody.

She will ask Chamber of Deputies to consider international charges (preferably together with Slovakia and other countries like Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia) under European Convention of Human Rights.

I have INSERT IGNOREed two remarks (in black). I should like to add three comments:

I have no difficulty believing that the CPS did not answer their questions. This is standard behaviour on the part of the CPS. They have been given almighty powers by our politicians and population, and do not have to prove anything or give any satisfactory explanation about what they do or say.

The family - in this case Eva Michaláková – has the right of full access to the dossier – every document which the CPS has and has produced which is included in the record, and she also has the right to let Mrs Chalánková have all the case documents, and, for that matter: to publish them. Mrs Michaláková will just have to go ahead through her lawyer and demand to have the full record.

The fact that the Norwegians, the CPS or others, ask Mrs Chalánková whether she is sure there has been no abuse in Mrs Michaláková's family, reveals how far from the rule of law Norway has moved in CPS cases.

Mrs Chalánková was of course quite right to say that she is acting on the presumption of innocence (until guilt is proved in a court of law), and so should everybody else. It is up to the state, in a court case of criminal prosecution, to prove that there has been abuse, it is not up to a defendant to prove he/she is innocent. In this case there has not even been a charge, far less a proper court case. On the contrary, the police did not bring a charge.

Under such circumstances, it might be defensible to have taken the children out of the family initially - if the presumption of abuse has been reasonable (they very often are not in CPS cases) – but to continue to hold the children when there has not even been a charge brought before the court, and try to turn the children into orphans in this way, is indefensible. But it is what the CPS regularly does. And Norwegian society trusts the CPS to be 'scientific' on this: they yield to the altogether faulty psychological assumptions that rule clinical child psychology and CPS ideologi: that it is good for children to be torn away from their roots and replanted just anywhere.




 Post subject: Re: Czech family seriously damaged by Norwegian CPS
PostPosted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 1:03 pm 
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The MEP Petr Mach support speech for Eva Michalakova vs Barnevernet
NorskoKredeDěti NorwayStealsChildren - youtube, 2 February 2015

Video, Czech speech, English subtitles.

What Member of the European Parliament Petr Mach says is excellent, he is among the very best. He has understood many of the questions involved, including general issues: that the people of the Czech Republic need to fight on a long term basis to prevent their own society take the same road to family destruction that Western nations have been on for such a long time. He says: "We don't want anything like that to happen in the Czech Republic",

"The Norwegian system is something that should be a warning for us. It is built on [the] unspoken assumption that the children belong to the state (government) not to their families.",

"Once we started this, together we must finish it. And it is not only about Mrs Michalakova and her children. There [are many] similar cases that already happened or could happen. …… There also needs to be a big change in the development of our system. When we say "Norway", a lot of people think of the Michalak case and the word Barnevernet. Some people also think of something called Norway Grants. What is it? There are European subsidies and it happened that EU made Norway pay the price to the new EU state members. And we can see that the Norwegian taxpayers money is used for some kinds of education training where they [teach] us how our system should be changed to be like the Norwegian. So here I say let's reject the Norwegian grants. Don't let us be indoctrinated how our child care system should be changed."

    Absolutely right, Mr Mach, cf the way Norwegians are teaching the Estonians about child protection:
Norsk barnevern skal lære opp i Estland? (Norwegian CPS to teach in Estonia?)

A few objections, though:

He is unfortunately not right when he says: "I believe Mrs Michaláková wins her case in the court and that she will get her children back." That may happen, but if so, it is a rare miracle. Our courts have judges of whom some are themselves part of the whole 'child welfare' system (psychologists, teachers, municipal employees), others (the jurists) usually meek sheep who trust the system without compunction (they have been taught 'barnevern' in their legal education and in propagandistic courses afterwards).

The way Norway has increasingly restricted Mrs Michaláková's access to the children and brainwashed them into calling her not "Mummy" but "Eva" are clear indications that the authorities are in the process of taking away her so-called 'parental responsibility' altogether, which means that the children will then be legally parentless and fully eligible to be adopted away, or to be kept in foster homes until they are 18, with no communication with anybody in their biological family – who are then legally defined as not being related to them anymore.

Nor is it right, I don't think, when Mach says that the main problem is that Barnevernet is connected to private companies that make money out of doing assessments for Barnevernet and providing foster homes and institutions. That is so, but the public employees in the system do this themselves also, take children whom their own CPS office or another CPS office has separated from their families, as their own foster children, or they place them with their own acquaintances, colleagues and friends. They call on their pet psychologists to do ever new assessments and give phony therapy to foster children who are depressed, unhappy, rebellious, absconding. The money aspect of child protection in Norway is very prominent, true - but it is not the usual political question of private vs run by the state/municipality. In fact, all political parties in Norway, conservative, liberal, socialist, are equally engaged in defending the child protection system, and though the politicians may argue private/public among themselves, who carries out the actions makes no difference to the result for the families who are destroyed.

Mr Mach wants a treaty with Norway: "Also Czech-Norwegian international treaty should be negotiated, so in [ ] cases like this the children would be [allowed] to go to their homeland." That would be bad news for families who fled Norway to seek refuge in the Czech Republic with their children. It could be that the families had been living in Norway for some time but had retained their Czech citizenship but that their children had been born in Norway and held Norwegian or dual citizenship, or simply that the children had been growing up in Norway for some years. One could then be dead sure that Norway would claim these children, saying they must be 'allowed' to return to their 'homeland Norway'. This is e.g what Norway wants the Hague convention for, cf the ongoing case of a seven-year-old Lithuanian boy and especially the Polish 'extradition' case referred to in that connection. They simply hold that growing up in Norway is best for any child, regardless of where the parents are.

The demonstration where Mach speaks seems to be taking place outside the Norwegian Embassy in Prague. One of the placards says, in Norwegian: "Norge plager tsjekkiske barn!" = "Norway plagues / torments Czech children!"



 Post subject: Re: Czech family seriously damaged by Norwegian CPS
PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 1:12 am 
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10th February, 2015

How Norway will undermine Czech intentions for the family, for the protection of children, and for human rights

by Arild Holta

The Lower Chamber in the Czech parliament has passed a resolution containing good principles for family, children and child protection. This was done in connection with the violations committed against the family of Eva Michaláková in Norway and other Czech citizens.

The Czech principles are in accord with the UN and the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), but diverge markedly from the ill-considered actions of the Norwegian so-called child protection system – officially named the Child Welfare Services (CWS) – and their deviant reasoning about the principles on which the use of force against families and children should rest.

In addition, the Czech parliament recommends that the president and the government of the Czech Republic take the initiative to an international agreement with Norway which will establish the mutual obligation of the parties to inform one another about all administrative cases and court cases concerning the other country's citizens who are minors, and to make involvement possible in such cases. It would then also be possible for Norway to be involved in matters within the Czech Republic.

If one knows the Norwegian system of child protection well, one can easily see how such an arrangement would be abused by Norway.

There are, furthermore, several legal issues involved, e.g. the question of the obligation of confidentiality. Such obligations are violated continuously in Norway, from municipal level all the way to international. The public party's allegations are held to be the unquestionable Truth. For refugees from Norwegian child protection it will be dangerous if Interpol and different nations treat allegations as real proof. It is furthermore problematic that statutes can be stretched and that bureaucrats can have a practice of breaking them. But I will lay legal matters more or less aside.

There are at least two ways in which Norway will abuse the mentioned arrangement:

1. Refugees from child protection
A mutual agreement will be used by Norway to demand children back to Norway from parents (Czechs and others) who flee from misunderstood child protection. The justification on the part of Norway will be the one-sided and deceitful documents of the Norwegian CWS, as well as the opinions they claim to be scientifically based expertise. There is good, illuminating research available which shows both these kinds of documents and such claimed expertise to be spurious.

2. Custody disputes between parents
Norwegian CWS will demand children back e.g. from Czech mothers whose children have Norwegian fathers. They will hold such a claim to be based on expertise (but hardly backed by solid evidence), and justified by the afore-mentioned kinds of documents, second-hand witnesses, undocumented assertions written down as truths, etc. We can compare this with the procedure in criminal cases: The accused is entitled to read his explanation as written down by the police, and can sign it. In child protection cases ONLY the CWS's account is considered valid. This account the CWS often tries to hinder the private parties from reading, in clear violation of the Norwegian law pertaining to public administration. Nobody in the CWS is made to answer for this.

A small digression about the CWS and breaches of the law: If one googles with the Norwegian words "barnevern" (child protection) and "lovbrudd" (breach of law) [1], there are several tens of thousands of hits. That is quite a lot for a small country like Norway. Among the hits one finds everything from official reports and legal articles to the writings of desperately unhappy people.

The methods: Spreading information from sub-quality documents, plus not documented allegations
An arrangement whereby information and people are handed over will in other words be utilised for conveying the arguments of Norwegian CWS, arguments whose truth content is strongly opposed by the other party.

Several Nordic researchers have done research on CWS documents, with results embarrassing for the CWS. [2, 3, 4]

The prevailing methodical fault may be illustrated by Danish significant research showing that children under the CWS had several times worse prognosis than children of drug addicts. [5] The Cinderella effect, from Daly and Wilson's research, shows the importance of biological belonging. [6, 7] (Many interesting references are found in the English Wikipedia article. [8] The article about Daly and Wilson's research by professor emerita Marianne Skånland can be recommended. [9])

How far away the "expertise" which the CWS practice is from real scientific research, may be illustrated by reference to a psychologist on a Norwegian (debate) forum, who claimed that "Children don't give a damn where they live". The CWS hold that children can be just moved to new "parents" and will attach themselves to them. If they do not form attachment to these new "parents", it is due to a reactive attachment disorder created by the biological parents. Children's deep despair is re-interpreted as psychological problems created by the parents. This is then used as an argument that the biological parents are useless. The whole set of ideas is so crazy that outsiders have problems believing it. The CWS generally make use of ideas low on an evidentiary scale, and the CWS use such ideas in an amateurish and cynical way. A pointer is the miserable statistical results of the CWS's care for children. (An example is that children in CWS care have an 8 times higher suicide rate than average. [10])

The belief that the CWS's ideas are plain Truth is a heavy trend today. But in states under the rule of law the truth is something to be proved, on the basis of reliable science. Judges and courts are not to function as "useful idiots" for the ideology of professions, for moralism, trends and plainly wrong contentions.

The systematic support which our form of child protection has in the media [11, 12], the County Committees and courts, combined with the confidentiality practiced as well as the dishonour heaped on people who are "clients" of the CWS, all go to create a power culture which is quite formidable. It has been allowed to keep on and develop over several decades and the CWS organisation is now large enough and strong enough to dare attacking people of resource and social standing as well. The corruption which power lends to this profession is noticeable for the large majority of those attacked and run over. The fact that people accuse the CWS and the County Committees of lying has NO consequences for these establishments. People speak to a stone wall of ignorance and complete power. An illustrative description was given in a comment by Czech journalist Adela Knapova from the Czech magazine Reflex: "In Norway there is a wall. Here it seems as if the state owns the children. It sounds like communism and we have had communism before." [13]

In Norway, it is near impossible for politicians to have a career and at the same time criticise the actions of the CWS. The press and others will immediately attack them furiously. There is a striking logical discrepancy when compensation to CWS victims is granted. It is then acknowledged that CWS care was so and so bad BEFORE ( - 25 years back or more). But when it is a question of the system NOW, the CWS personnel are practically heroes and white knights. To question anything regarding them is to attack The Ultimate Good. But there has never been any revolutionary change in the CWS!

NIBR-report 2006:7: Hjelpetiltak i barnevernet – virker de? (Assistance to families in the CWS - does it work?)
"Det synes som norsk barnevern sliter med et paradoks: Barnevernet bruker i stor grad tiltak som vi har lite systematisk, forskningsbasert kunnskap om og som vi ”er usikre på” eller ”tror på” mye ut fra tradisjoner. Disse tiltakene har vært brukt i årtier, og man har verken klart å finne ut nøyaktig hvordan de virker eller klart å sette noe annet i stedet (”nye tiltaksformer”)." [14]
("It seems that Norwegian child protection is struggling with a paradox: The CWS to a large degree make use of remedies of which we have little systematic, research-based knowledge, and which we are "uncertain of" or "believe in" very much based on tradition. These remedies have been used for decades, and no-one has been able to find out exactly how they function, nor managed to put something else in their place ("new initiatives").")

In dealing with Norwegian child protection matters, Czech authorities will meet an old discipline full of pretence, with New-speak and impressive titles, poorly substatiated assumptions about human beings, and with a high degree of rationalisation and whitewashing of the situation in Norwegian child protection of today. This, Norway will attempt to use to obtain and maintain a deceitful power which violates nature's most important bonds of love - the family. This will come from Norwegian authorities and professionals who should be real child and family experts, people who hold a fanatical belief in all that is going on in Norway in the name of child protection.




1. ... t+lovbrudd

2. ... ninger.pdf

3. ... -sprakmakt

4. ... etoder.htm

5. ... 2&iarkiv=1

6. ... e-copy.pdf

7. ... 0facts.pdf




11. ... rild-holta

12. ... at_820.pdf

13. ... 22314.html


"Vårt" lysebrune-mørkerøde såkalte barnevern stjeler mennesker
> Radikalt forum mot familiedestruksjon:<

 Post subject: Re: Czech family seriously damaged by Norwegian CPS
PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 4:26 pm 
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Tsjekkias president sammenligner norsk barnevern med nazi-program (President of the Czech Republic compares Norwegian child protection to Nazi program)
Barnevernsjef: Alvorlig at utenlandsk media sprer usannheter om norsk barnevern (CPS leader: Serious that foreign media spread untruths about Norwegian child protection)
VG, 9 februar 2015

"Journalist i Blesk, Ladislav Leimer, sier til VG at det har vært svært stor interesse for saken i Tsjekkia.
   – Saken er stor her, ettersom det ikke er noen grunn til å ta de tsjekkiske barna fra moren sin, hevder Leimer.
   – Leserne våre er sinte på det norske barnevernet. Der er nok av lignende saker i Europa, det er alltid det samme: Barnevernet tar barn fra utenlandske foreldre, uten noe bevis, for å gi dem til fosterfamilier."

(Journalist in Blesk Ladislav Leimer says to VG [the Norwegian newspaper interviewing him] that there has been very great interest in the case in the Czech Republic.
   – The case is large here, since there is no reason why the Czech children should be taken away from their mother, Leimer claims.
   – Our readers are angry with Norwegian child protection. There are enough of similar cases in Europe, it is always the same: The Child Protection Services take children from foreign families, without any proof, to give them to foster families.)


And here is Jan Simonsen's comment to the article, translated, from his own blog:

10 February, 2015

Rock hard criticism of Norwegian child protection from the president of the Czech Republic

"In a live show with president Zeman, the president ventured into the questions around the Norwegian social services, which since 2011 have held the sons of Eva Michaláková on account of abuse from the father. The president compared the Norwegian system to Nazi camps," writes Czech newspaper Blesk. This has made VG wake up.

The paper VG for the first time writes about the huge outcry which the Norwegian child protection case has caused in the Czech Republic, which we have written about several times earlier on Frie Ytringer (Free Expressions). The Czech national assembly has previously asked the Czech prime minister to demand an explanation from Norway of why the Czech mother has not got her children back. And Christian Democrat politician Tomáš Zdechovský has taken the case up in the European Parliament.

According to Czech radio today, the Czech Republic will continue to put diplomatic pressure on Norway in connection with the case, Czech prime minister Bohuslav Sobotka told the mother Eva Michaláková in a meeting earlier today.

A representative of the Czech child welfare office in Brno will visit Norway in the next few days to discuss an increase in the mother's visitation with her children and to make sure that the boys are taught Czech language. He will also convey a Czech promise that the boys' welfare will be monitored if they are returned to the Czech Republic.

The president of the Czech Republic now compares Norwegian child protection to the Nazi program Lebensborn, which was established by Heinrich Himmler during the second world war to further racial hygiene and strengthen the Nordic race. He points to the mother only being allowed to meet with her children a couple of times a year for a few minutes, and not being allowed to speak Czech with the children.

The Czech social-democrat president, Miloš Zeman, is known not to mince matters. He has previously blamed Islam for the killings of several Jews outside a museum in Brussels in May of last year, and has shown himself as a staunch friend of Israel, with a controversial proposal of moving the Czech embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.



 Post subject: Re: Czech family seriously damaged by Norwegian CPS
PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 9:13 pm 
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A number of other newspapers have now brought more or less the same article from NTB (the public 'telegram bureau'), giving the Czech president's statements:

President sammenligner norsk barnevern med nazi-program (President compares Norwegian child protection with Nazi program)
Tsjekkias president Miloš Zeman sammenligner norsk barnevern med nazistenes Lebensborn-program for rasehygiene. (The president of the Czech Republic Miloš Zeman compares Norwegian child protection with the Nazi Lebensborn program)
Dagen, 10 February 2015

President sammenligner norsk barnevern med nazi-program
Aftenposten, 10 February 2015

President sammenligner norsk barnevern med nazi-program
Adresseavisen, 10 February 2015

President sammenligner norsk barnevern med nazi-program
Kommunal Rapport, 10 February 2015

Mener barnevernet er som nazi-program (Thinks the child protection is like Nazi program)
Klar Tale, 10 February 2015

Tsjekkias president med hard kritikk av norsk barnevern (The president of the Czech Republic with hard criticism of Norwegian child protection)
abc nyheter, 10 February 2015

Sammenligner norsk barnevern med nazi-program (Compares Norwegian child protection to Nazi program)
Statsminister i Tsjekkia, Miloš Zeman, anklager det norske barnevernet for å "avnasjonalisere" tjekkiske barn. (The president of the Czech Republic, Miloš Zeman, accuses Norwegian child protection of "de-nationalising" Czech children.)
Utrop, 10 February 2015



 Post subject: Re: Czech family seriously damaged by Norwegian CPS
PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 8:46 pm 
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Here is what the Czech president has said, in The Nordic Page, which is published in Oslo
(cf Kommentar på The Nordic page):

Czech President Compares Norway Child Welfare with Nazi Program
Czech President Miloš Zeman compares Norwegian Child Welfare (Barnevern) with Nazi Lebensborn program for eugenics.
The Nordic Page, 10 februar 2015

PS: At the bottom of the page one can click into a previous article on The Nordic Page:
An Unfinished Debate on Barnevernet. The article is from 19 February 2012, but the debate section under the article has received some new comments just now, in connection especially with the Czech case of Eva Michaláková's children.



 Post subject: Re: Czech family seriously damaged by Norwegian CPS
PostPosted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 10:17 pm 
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Czech Member of Parliament Petr Mach (cf posting of 4 February above) in the European parliament: He protests - in Czech - against the CPS. He is holding a paper with names of three mothers (from Lithuania, the Czech republic and Sweden) of children taken by the CPS and is speaking about the fact that some states are kidnapping children.

Petr Mach se zastal matek odebraných dětí v Norsku
Svobodni på Youtube, 11 February 2015



 Post subject: Re: Czech family seriously damaged by Norwegian CPS
PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 11:33 am 
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Joke circulating in the Czech Republic at the moment:

Adopt your Norwegian child!
During school holidays are many Norwegian teenagers coming to Prague to get drunk, it means that their biological parents do something wrong.
So we propose:
a) to hunt them down
b) get them to a Czech family for re-education, they can see their parents twice a year, the only allowed language will be Czech
c) everybody (CPS, parents, the Norwegian government) must understand that it is in the interest of the children, they must be protected from biological parents, they must be given to families with positive attitude to alcohol and learn that it is better to drink a small amount every day than to drink the same amount of alcohol once a week.

See posting by Naine in the thread "Child kidnapping by the Norwegian State", which again gives a link

This should seriously be carried out by Czech Child Protection says Nemo1024 in the same thread: "That joke should really get implemented by Czech CPS. And it would probably be beneficial for the Norwegian teens. Anyone who's seen them wild on Minorca can attest to it. "



 Post subject: Re: Czech family seriously damaged by Norwegian CPS
PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 10:58 am 
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Here it comes, one more prohibition aimed at biological family – as expected:

Skriftlig spørsmål fra Jenny Klinge (Sp) til justis- og beredskapsministeren (Written question from Jenny Klinge (Sp) to the Minister of Justice and Public Security)
Stortinget (Parliament), 4 - 5 February 2015

The Minister's answer to her question is positive: The government will now propose that the prohibition on removing a child from CPS care is also to be effective for children taken on accute decisions which have not yet been confirmed by a county committee decision or a court verdict. Cf the Lithuanian case:
Points 3, 4 and 5 from 3rd February.



 Post subject: Re: Czech family seriously damaged by Norwegian CPS
PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 5:37 pm 
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Good article on a Norwegian website:

Elin Berglund:
Child welfare in Norway in the European Parliament January 28 2015
La Eddie få komme hjem, 10 February 2015

It starts with Eva Michaláková's case and Tomas Zdechovsky's speech in Parliament. Good coverage of several aspects, and links to other cources. Cases concerning children from Russia and India are mention at the end of the article.



 Post subject: Re: Czech family seriously damaged by Norwegian CPS
PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 2:27 pm 
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A very important report is coming from the Council of Europe

Here, in provisional form, is a report with recommendations from a Committee in the Council of Europe. (It is important to remember that the Council of Europe is nothing to do with the European Union; a larger group of countries are members of the Council of Europe, Norway among them.)

The draft resolution has been adopted unanimously by the Committee, and is, as far as I know, then to be considered by the Parliamentary assembly.

Social services in Europe: legislation and practice of the removal of children from their families in Council of Europe member States
Report - Provisional version
January 2015

The rapporteur, who has been heading the work of producing the report, is Russian. From our point of view that is fortunate, because Russia has open eyes to all the abusive actions carried out by child protection agencies in Western countries.

(Some shorter citations will be added here.)




 Post subject: Re: Czech family seriously damaged by Norwegian CPS
PostPosted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 10:36 am 
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Here it comes – the parliamentary proposal of criminalising taking children back from acute / temporary placement away from the family

Representantforslag 71 S (2014-2015) (Midlertidig) (Proposal from parliamentary representative 71 S (2014-2015) (Temporary)
Stortinget, 12 March 2015

It has been clear for some time that this would come, cf that the question was taken up by our authorities in connection with the case of the Lithuanian boy Gabrielius:
especially points 4 and 5 here and
Written question from Jenny Klinge (Sp) to the Minister of Justice and Public Security, 4 - 5 February 2015. We should note that Jenny Klinge's proposal, stating that there is a lack of sanctions to take parents before a criminal court as long as the children have been taken by the CPS on the basis of a temporary decision, says that this lack "innebærer at mindreårige som er omfattet av et akuttvedtak truffet av barnevernet, har et dårligere strafferettslig vern enn andre barn" (means that minors subject to an acute decision taken by the CPS have less protection in criminal law than other children).

This will also possibly affect Eva Michaláková's case, although there the procedure is past a temporary decision.

How many naïve souls in Norway do still believe that the child protection services (CPS) intervenes only when it is absolutely necessary, after a long dialogue with the parents and after supportive measures have been tried … etc etc etc ?



 Post subject: Re: Czech family seriously damaged by Norwegian CPS
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 9:54 am 
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One more very negative development – but it was to be expected:

Norway to implement the Hague convention on child abduction –
unfortunate development for families targeted by the child protection authorities



 Post subject: Re: Czech family seriously damaged by Norwegian CPS
PostPosted: Mon May 25, 2015 2:02 pm 
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Demonstrations against Norwegian child protection in many cities on 30 May 2015.
The child protection system will also be a theme in the European Union on 2 June

Europeiske demonstrasjoner mot det norske barnevernet (European demonstrations against the Norwegian child protection agency)
Nettavisen, 24 May 2015

Demonstrations in Norway are planned in

In Oslo the demonstration will take place from 11 am until 3 pm, at Eidsvolls Plass outside Stortinget (Parliament).

Abroad there are demonstrations planned in




Whoever can keep an eye open for possible articles in foreign newspapers, should certainly do so! Link to them on your dear facebook, by all means, but preferably not only on facebook.



 Post subject: Re: Czech family seriously damaged by Norwegian CPS
PostPosted: Wed May 27, 2015 11:46 am 
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Some more of relevance to the demonstration on Saturday:

Possibly, a Czech politician who has worked especially against Norwegian child protection abuse will come to Oslo on Saturday and be present at the demonstration here,

He is a Czech member of the EU parliament. His name is
Tomáš Zdechovský
There is quite a lot about his contribution in "the Czech thread" here on Forum Redd Våre Barn.

A new article by Jan Simonsen is expected, probably tomorrow Thursday. Presumably it will be in Norwegian, though, and it is doubtful whether there is much time for anyone to translate it. Nevertheless I will link to it here.
   Jan Simonsen visits the Czech Republic quite often, has many friends and connections there, and has contributed valuably there to disseminate information about Norwegian child protection. His work, too, is referred to here, in "the Czech thread".



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