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 Post subject: Re: The five children of a Romanian family taken in Norway
PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 6:35 am 
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A video from a church in Oradea recently. Marius Bodnariu speaks (40:00–) and the family all sing in Norwegian (46:00–):

23.10.2016 AM - Program + Predica - Petrica VIdu
Biserica Crestina Baptista Emanuel Oradea, on youtube, 23 October 2016



 Post subject: Re: The five children of a Romanian family taken in Norway
PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 7:46 pm 
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Pictures of the family, happily united in Romania:

Familia Bodnariu va sluji mâine la Biserica Betel Timișoara…
Pastor Ciprian Barsan, 12 November 2016



 Post subject: Re: The five children of a Romanian family taken in Norway
PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2017 6:57 pm 
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Family protection prize to be awarded to the Bodnariu family from Naustdal

Folkemøte i Drammen på TV Visjon Norge:
(Popular meeting in Drammen on TV Visjon Norge (Vision Norway))
Familievern-pris til familien Bodnariu fra Naustdal
(Family protection prize to be awarded to the Bodnariu family from Naustdal)
Norge IDAG, 25/26 May 2017

"Torsdag 8. juni er det møte i Drammen på Visjon Norge. Familien Bodnariu fra Naustdal, med sine fem barn, mottar «Familievern-prisen» for sin kamp da barnevernet tok fra dem alle barna, den 16. november 2015."
(On Thursday 8 Juni there will be a meeting in Drammen at Visjon Norge. The family Bodnariu from Naustdal, with their five children, will receive "The Family Protection Prize" for their fight when Barnevernet took all the children from the parents on 16 November 2015.)

"Tidligere utenriks- og justisminister Titus Corlatear og senator Ben-Oni Ardelean fra Romania vil tale på møtet.
   Delta vil også mennesker som sier de er ofre for feilaktig inngripen av barnevernet.
   Naustdalfamiliens barn ble returnert til sine foreldre etter beslutning i tingretten i slutten av mai 2016, og fikk slik en lykkelig slutt. Men familien har siden flyttet til Romania.
   Prisen utdeles av Kristen Koalisjon Norge (KKN).
   – Prisen til familien er en anerkjennelse av deres tro og kjærlighet, men også av den utvidede familien både på norsk og rumensk side som har kjempet sammen med kjernefamilien i Naustdal, samt de titusener av støttespillere verden over som demonstrerte mot barnevernets feilaktige inngripen, sier Jan-Aage Torp, som er styreleder i KKN."

(Former minister of foreign affairs and of justice Titus Corlatear and senator Benoni Ardelean from Romania will speak at the meeting.
   People who say they are victims of faulty actions by Barnevernet will also take part.
   The Naustdal family's children were returned to their parents after a decision in the District Court at the end o May 2016, and thereby ended heppily. But the family has since moved o Romania.
   The prize will be given by Kristen Koalisjon Norge (KKN) (Christian Coalition Norway).
   – The prize awarded to the family is a recognition of their faith and love, but also of the extended family both on the Norwegian and the Romanian side who have fought together with the nuclear family in Naustdal, and of the tens of thousands of supporters all over the world who demonstrated against the incorrect action by Barnevernet, says Jan-Aage Torp, who is chairman of the board of KKN.)

"– Familien fra Naustdal vil ikke kunne komme til pris-overrekkelsen da de frykter for å bli arrestert av norsk politi fordi de valgte å ikke komme til en bebudet rettssak i januar 2017 som gjelder såkalt «oppdrager-vold». Men de vil bli representert av sin norske og rumenske familie, forteller Torp."
(The family from Naustdal will not be able to attend the prize ceremony, because they fear to be arrested by Norwegian police for having chosen not to come to an announced court-case in January concerning so-called "child-raising-violence". But they will be represented by their Norwegian and Romanian family, Torp says.)

"Det vil bli innslag ved aktivister og ofre fra kampen mot barnevernets overgrep, fra ledende politikere i Norge, og ulike nasjoner blir representert ved sine ambassadører."
(There will be participation by activists and victims from the struggle against abuse from Barnevernet, by leading politicians in Norway, and different nations will be represented by their ambassadors.)


Slight correction: The last four children were given back to their parents after a compromise at the time of a County Committee process, and this aspect of the case thus never went to the District Court.



 Post subject: Re: The five children of a Romanian family taken in Norway
PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 3:18 am 
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News from the Bodnariu family in Romania
Norway Return the children to Bodnariu Family, 7 June 2017

"It has now been a year since intense joy flooded our hearts when we found out that our precious children would be coming home. We are so thankful to God, our wonderful and good Father for His care, love, goodness and mercy. God came through for us, and still does!"

"We also have some wonderful news! By the grace and by the goodness of God, Rebecca Bodnariu arrived safely on May 10th 2017. The whole family is overwhelmed with joy and Rebecca is a real blessing to us. We pray and believe that God will use Rebecca in the healing of our family. Rebecca’s joy for life, of being loved and breastfed in these first months is a wonderful experience for her and the rest of the family. Sadly, Ezekiel was robbed of this experience, as was Ruth and the rest of us when he was ripped apart from our family in the most dreadful and terrifying of nightmares last year."

"Please, continue to pray and stand by those who are still going through similar tragedies as we did in Norway. We find out about more and more cases in Norway, which on one hand raises compassion, pain and sadness in us, and on the other hand disgust and outrage. We are so grateful to everyone who gets involved in either supporting individual cases, or exposing the nature of this system bringing into the light the evil deeds of darkness that Barnevernet (Norway’s Child Welfare Service) often exhibit."

"Instead of families being listened to and supported in Norway, they are sadly, belittled, put down and walked all over, in the attempt to take all self-esteem and self-worth away from them with the vehement desire to destroy the identity of those who are targeted. We remember it all too well, the time when we were torn between being treated as subhumans by the Norwegian authorities and being uplifted and encouraged by God through the thousands supporting us."

"We thank the organisations and entities who have exposed the bigger picture in which legal child kidnappings have their purpose."



 Post subject: Re: The five children of a Romanian family taken in Norway
PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2017 10:31 pm 
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The Bodnariu family has been invited to a breakfast prayer meeting in the Romanian parliament. They have contributed with singing! Have a look at the heart-warming pictures:

VIDEO Cântă Fam. Bodnariu la ,,Micul dejun cu rugăciune,, în Parlamentul României. UN RĂSPUNS LA RUGĂCIUNE…
Micul Dejun cu Rugăciune din Parlamentul României 7-8 noiembrie 2017 – VIDEO S-a cântat ‘O Doamne mare, când privesc eu lumea’ (FOTO/VIDEOS)
agnus dei – english + romanian blog, 8 November 2017



 Post subject: Re: The five children of a Romanian family taken in Norway
PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2017 8:42 am 
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Familia Bodnariu, stabilită în România după coșmarul Barnevernet, a fost binecuvântată cu al șaselea copil. Marius Bodnariu: „Nu ne mai întoarcem în Norvegia niciodată”
Crestin Total, 12 December 2017

Google translation of the whole text:

The Bodnariu family, established in Romania after Barouncenet nightmare, was blessed with the sixth child. Marius Bodnariu: "We will never go back to Norway"

In 2016, the Bodnariu family name was synonymous with Barnevernet, the Child Protection System in Norway, which took their children by force. More than ever, the Bodnariu case has highlighted Norway's Barnevernet abuses, bringing a real picture of this institution.

The Romanian-Norwegian Mixed Family Bodnariu managed to win the struggle with this system, the children were given to their parents and they all returned to Romania. For one and a half years they have been living quietly, at best, somewhere in a locality in Transylvania. Now try to take it from scratch. After escaping from the nightmare in Norway, the Bodnariu family had a reason for joy: in May this year the little Rebecca came to the world.

In a radio interview, Marius Bodnariu talks about the ordeal that lived in Norway, but also how they were received in Romania. "We never return to Norway," says the Romanian who thanks those who supported him at that time. And, as it has recently proved, it does not remain impassable to the drama of Romanians in countries like Norway and Finland, who are going through similar suffering after the state abusively abused their children.

"Please keep in touch with those who go through terrible nightmares similar to those we have lived in Norway. We hear of more and more cases that awaken in us as compassion, pain and sadness, and disgust and anger. We are grateful to all those who engage in any way, either in support of individual cases or through objective criticism, bringing to light the deeds of darkness, ie Barnevernet (the Norwegian Child Protection Service), "the Bodnariu family said in a message.

"It's been a year and we remember the joy that flooded our hearts when we found out we'd get our kids back. We thank God our Father for His care, love, kindness, and mercy for which He has made us and continues to be part of us.


It is very valuable that the Bodnarius point out how important it is for families hit by child protection agencies that good and understanding people keep in touch with them and do not forget them. Also of importance is their mention of Finland. It is known that the CPS in Finland are very active, but few articles seem to penetrate even to the other Nordic countries – understandibly, since Finnish is quite unrelated to the other Nordic languages.

The family has settled in the Brasov district.



 Post subject: Re: The five children of a Romanian family taken in Norway
PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 10:51 pm 
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Cum s-a adaptat familia Bodnariu în România, după coșmarul Barnevernet: „Dumnezeu ne-a binecuvântat peste așteptările pe care le aveam” (How the Bodnariu family adapted to Romania after the Barnevernet Nightmare: "God has blessed us beyond our expectations")
(The whole address, here over 3 lines, must be put together and posted in the address box.)
active news știri nefiltrate, 2 January 2018



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